Book review: Ruth Ware's books keep climbing up the bestseller list, One By One
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Ruth Ware has done it again! She keeps crafting creative mysteries and plots that propel the reader forward, and One By One is no exception. This is the ultimate Fall Reading List book. Set on a snowy mountain in France, the story is as chilling as the white powder that swallows the characters whole.
Guest blog: What it's really like to be a professional dog walker
Guest blog by Louise St-Pierre. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family!
I have learned a lot from my experiences with dogs. I currently own two beautiful dogs and have been a dog owner for 25 years. I truly love dogs and being outside all day, in all types of weather. After working in the fitness and service industry for 20 years I wanted a change; a job that would incorporate the many things I love. Fast forward to now. I have been a professional dog walker for 11 years. I never imagined that I could make a living doing something I loved so much. What I love most about being a dog walker is that I work for myself and my clients. I'm my own boss, which is amazing.
Christmas mourning: How to cope with your first holiday season after losing a pet
I'm forcing myself to be festive this year. I've had times in my life when I skipped Christmas altogether. "I'm not Christmasing this year," I'd say when people asked me standard holiday questions like "Do you have your tree up yet?" This year I'm forcing myself to be festive for the sake of my mental health. One small reason is the COVID-19 pandemic has sucked so much happiness out of 2020 that I'm trying to infuse some of the obligatory Christmas joy into what's left of the year. The biggest reason for my forced festivities is Keira. More specifically the loss of Keira I suffered earlier this year.
National Senior Pet Month: Everything you need to know about senior pets and pet insurance
I love the grey fur that appears around a senior dog's eyes as they age, the mark that they've experienced life. The mark that they've given a lifetime of love. To leave our mark on them we need to prepare to support them during their golden years. I'm going to talk about one of my favourite topics- pet insurance. When we think about pet insurance we often think of puppies and kittens, but senior pets are eligible for insurance coverage too.
Since November is National Senior Pet Month, I connected with Karolyne Trottier, Regional Manager at Pets Plus Us pet insurance for a Q&A about pet insurance for senior pets. Can a senior pet get pet insurance? What about their pre-existing conditions? I asked Karolyne everything I could think of about senior pets and pet insurance, and these are her answers!
Paws to Support Local: How you can give back to local businesses and animals in need at the same time
Are you able to lend a helping paw to a pet in need? Or give a local small business a bone? Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, located in Pembroke, Ontario, has found a way to give back to animals in need and local businesses this holiday season. Paws to Support Local is the purrr-fect way to get in the spirit of giving.
Deck the DIY gift ideas: Homemade mason jar lid Christmas tree ornaments
Christmas isn't just a time for giving; it's also a time for crafting! I love mixing the two and making my family homemade Christmas gifts every year. Sometimes I make my own cards, sometimes I bake- I've even made my own candles using teacups found at yard sales and thrift stores. But my favourite Christmas craft is mason jar lid tree ornaments.
Book review: A Southern supernatural thriller about a seedy swamp and all its creatures
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Andy Davidson's The Boatman's Daughter paints a dark and bloody tale of the painful lives of outsiders. While Davidson's book was wildly creative, it failed to draw me in. I kept reading, hoping it would be a slow burn, however it never caught fire for me. I did enjoy the Russian folklore in the book and the mysticism, but being a huge fan of witches, I was hoping for a more interesting witch. I will give the author this: the prose is beautiful at times and I LOVE the cover!
iAdopt for the Holidays: 'Tis the season to find a forever home
It's that time of year again- the season of giving, and I have an excellent way to give. It's a win-win! iAdopt for the Holidays is sponsored by Petplan pet insurance. This holiday adoption campaign runs now until December 31, 2020, at participating SPCAs, humane societies, and rescue groups across Canada. Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, located in Pembroke, Ontario, services the Renfrew County community where my family is from. Their goal for this holiday campaign is to find loving forever homes for as many animals as possible.
International guest blog: Agroecology farming and its contribution to climate change mitigation and sustainable food production
International guest blog by Tulyahabwe Rogers (from Uganda, East Africa). So excited to welcome him to the Paws For Reaction extended family! |
Severe, diverse, and location-specific impacts on agricultural production are anticipated with climate change. The last IPCC report indicates that the rise of carbon dioxide and associated greenhouse gases could lead to a 1.4 to 5.8 °C increase in global surface temperatures, with subsequent consequences on precipitation frequency and amounts. The 2013 report of the IPCC authoritatively re-affirms that climate change and variability will impact food and fiber production around the world due to the effects on plant growth and yield by the elevated carbon dioxide, higher temperatures, altered precipitation, and transpiration regimes, and increased frequency of extreme events, as well as modified weed, pest and pathogen pressure. Therefore, more durable benefits will likely result from radical agroecological measures that will strengthen the resilience of farmers and rural communities. Traditional farming systems are repositories of a wealth of principles and measures that can help modern agricultural systems become more resilient to climate change.
Canada remembers: Virtual Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa during the COVID-19 pandemic
This year's Remembrance Day marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. This year the Veteran's Week and Remembrance Day ceremonies will be anything but normal, as many are shifted to the virtual world to keep Canadian's safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Remembrance Day ceremony will still be held at the National War Memorial in downtown Ottawa, but the Royal Canadian Legion is asking citizens of the Nation's Capital to stay home and watch the ceremony on TV. There is limited space- especially when you factor in physically distancing 6-feet apart- and there will be no Veteran's parade, no Canadian Armed Forces parade, and a reduced colour party.
Guest blog: Enviro-docu-series exploring the changing state of Canada's greatest natural landmark; Algonquin Park
| Guest blog by Jacob Ide. Photos provided by the Trip Report team. So excited to welcome them to the Paws For Reaction extended family!
Early in 2020, Craig Myers and I were sitting on the set of a short film discussing our next projects. Craig had recently begun taking a course on sustainability, and I had been kicking around the idea of making a travel series focused on exploring our backyard. Through two days of chatting, we honed in on shooting a series in Algonquin Park. Craig is from Ottawa, and I am from Hamilton, but we both grew up with a connection to camping and cottage country, so the draw to the park was pretty natural. As we prepared the project, Brad and Mitch joined on as our cinematography team, both of them having a love for cinematography and exploring the natural world made it a perfect fit.
Democracy wins: We bid a not so farewell to Donald Trump as Joe Biden wins the 2020 USA presidential election- Adios Trump!
I've decided 273 is my new favourite number! Followers of my blog are well aware that I'm not a fan of Donald Trump. You may remember I fact-checked Trump on my blog a few years ago when he began attacking science and the Paris Agreement. Canadians care about what happens to our American neighbours because if the USA sneezes, Canada gets a cold. I'd like to give my American neighbours a virtual hug and congratulations because today, November 7, 2020, after a long wait in election purgatory (Groundhog Day much?) Joe Biden has been elected to become the 46th president of the United States of America.
Do you have a story to tell? Share your story on Paws For Reaction
This year more than ever, I've been providing an outlet for people in the community to share their stories. I've teamed up with some wonderful and interesting guest bloggers, interviewed experts in their fields, and supported different organizations. I want to keep expanding upon that. That being said, Paws For Reaction is looking for new guest bloggers!
Help from home: 5 ways you can help save Canada's wetlands, without getting wet
If you drank a glass of water today, washed dishes, flushed the toilet, boiled a pot, or filled up your dog's water dish, you probably benefited from a wetland. Wetlands are responsible for providing us with the clean water we drink and use every day. Ontario boasts 330,000 square kilometres of wetlands and currently accounts for about 25% of all the wetlands in Canada and 6% of global wetlands. Wetlands hold billions of litres of water that they help naturally filter and purify. They provide flood control, habitat and feeding ground for a variety of species, and act as carbon storage. I really enjoy hiking in the wetlands- they are wonderful recreational and educational ecosystems.
October featured pets: Happy Halloween from these haunted howlers!
Happy Halloween spooky pet owners! This month we asked you to send in photos of your pets wearing their Halloween costumes and you did not disappoint! Here are the October featured pets. Happy haunting!
Happy Halloween: My favourite past Halloween DIY projects
Happy Halloween everyone! This is my favorite holiday and usually go all out decorating and celebrating. This year will be a little different due to Covid-19, and due to the fact that I don't live in a house anymore, so I can't do my haunted walkway. I'll admit I'm a little sad about that. BUT I will still be watching Hocus Pocus and Trick R' Treat! Since the celebration this year won't be as spooky, here are some ghostly DIY Halloween projects, decor, and crafts I've done in the past. I hope I inspire you! Have a safe and happy Halloween!
October featured pets: We want to feature your pet's Halloween costume
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'm not talking about Christmas- it's spooky season! Halloween is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday! I love scaring people- and being scared. I love everything about it- the candy, the horror movies, the scary decor, the witches spells, the city draped in my favourite colour- orange!
Ask a Vet: Top 5 Halloween dangers to your pets PLUS 3 vet-approved tips to keep your pets safe
The fall breeze that's giving you goosebumps is ushering in the spookiest holiday of the year- Halloween! It can be an exciting time for the family, but not so much for your pets. The constant visitors at the door, people in costume, and scary sounds can cause stress and anxiety. How we celebrate Halloween can bring about potential hazards to your pet- some of them can be life-threatening. Dr. Carlie Paquette, veterinarian and co-owner of Pembroke Animal Hospital put down her stethoscope and put on her scariest costume to give Paw For Reaction all the ghostly details about potential dangers to your pets on Halloween. Check out what she had to say!
This post contains affiliate links. Guest blog by Matt Vickers Copley. So excited to welcome him to the Paws For Reaction extended family!
Guest blog: The King of Goosebumps shares his top 5 Goosebumps books to get you in the Halloween spirit
My passion for Goosebumps books started in 1999 at the age of 7 when I got my first book called The Haunted Car. It was a big thing for mum and me growing up. My primary school didn't have the books in the library at the time I was there as they were too scary... pffft. So it became a weekly thing for mum and I, to go to our local store and buy each book until I had them all. My bedroom became every 90s' kid's dream Goosebumps themed room.
October featured pets: Does your pet have a Halloween costume? Send us a photo!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'm not talking about Christmas- it's spooky season! Halloween is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday! I love scaring people- and being scared. I love everything about it- the candy, the horror movies, the scary decor, the witches spells, the city draped in my favourite colour- orange!
Thank you to Patty McLaughlin of the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre for illuminating the Raven for the Paws For Reaction readers!
Halloween's haunted animals: The truth about the ominous and dark trickster; the Raven
When I think about Halloween symbolism, things that come to mind are spirits, monsters, witches, and vampires. But what about the animals? Black cats with their backs arched, howling werewolves, slick Ravens crowing warnings, and swooping bats are all signature Halloween animals. Folklore and mythology weave their way into the spooky stories we tell and animals are the stars of these terrifying tales.
Book review: The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires is the vampire book you didn't know you needed
I kicked off my spooky Fall reading list with a bang- or a bite I should say. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix is so unexpected. In most cases, I'm able to predict the twists and turns in the books I read, but this book is truly unpredictable.
October featured pets: Send in a photo of your pet wearing a Halloween costume to be featured
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'm not talking about Christmas- it's spooky season! Halloween is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday! I love scaring people- and being scared. I love everything about it- the candy, the horror movies, the scary decor, the witches spells, the city draped in my favourite colour- orange!
Ask an RVT: 10 things I love the most about being a registered veterinary technician
My years of experience working in the veterinary medicine industry taught me many things. One thing I learned on my first day is that the job of a veterinary technician is difficult. Veterinary technicians assist in surgery, dentistry, treat emergencies, learn how to care for multiple species, assist the doctor, be a nurse, provide emotional support for the client, and be an advocate for the patient. They work hard without breaks- often for less pay than you'd expect. It's stressful. It's fast-paced. It's emotionally draining. It's blood, sweat, and tears. REAL tears. And it is incredibly rewarding.
Canadian's give thanks: Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, especially those who are isolated this year
I hope you all had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! The pandemic has made it difficult for families to get together this weekend. I know how isolating it can be living alone and not being able to visit family. Virtual visits and phone calls just aren't the same. I missed the hugs, the homecooked meal, and the playtime with my nephew. To all of you who are alone this holiday season, I want to send you my love. It's tough but we will get through this. Hold your pets and cherish the moments that you have with the people you love. Find ways to visit from afar. But most of all, stay safe.
October featured pets: Send in a photo of your pet wearing a Halloween costume to be featured on Paws For Reaction
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'm not talking about Christmas- it's spooky season! Halloween is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday! I love scaring people- and being scared. I love everything about it- the candy, the horror movies, the scary decor, the witches spells, the city draped in my favourite colour- orange!