Invest in our Planet: Embrace the 5 Rs of recycling on Earth Day
We grew up being taught the three Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. That's where it all began. Fast forward to the present day. Pollution and human-caused climate change are far more devastating problems than we could have predicted. We are in a climate crisis, and three Rs aren’t enough.
Happy Earth Day: Environmental stories for dog owners, animal lovers, and climate activists
It's the greenest day of the year- Earth Day! This is the second Earth Day, April 22nd, we've celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It saddens me that a year later Ontario is in worse shape. I hope you find a safe way to do something positive for the planet today. Interested in learning more about living sustainably and fighting climate change? Check out the green headlines on Paws For Reaction! These are the best posts about climate change, pollution, wildlife, the outdoors, and environmental action.
Covid-19 and climate change: Pandemic's positive impacts on pollution were temporary, but damaging effects will be lasting
Climate change took a backseat in the media as the planet's greatest threat when the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe in 2020. It's been more than a year since the first Covid-positive case was reported and we are entering another lockdown in Ontario. Looking back, I remember how optimistic I was the first time we entered a lockdown. Not just optimistic about the health and safety of our nation, but optimistic for the health of the planet. During that lockdown, we saw wildlife emerge from the wilderness and take their rightful place in our urban areas that were one their home. We saw marine life break the surface of the water in places it had not been seen before. The planet took a deep, cleansing breath.
Guest blog by Imani Hamilton. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family! This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. |
Guest blog: Sustainable dog products for the New Year and beyond
Entering the New Year, climate action and environmental protection are more important than ever, as we collectively seek to reduce our carbon emissions by 65% and protect our precious ecosystems in time to prevent irreversible climate change. And yes, our furry companions have an environmental footprint that's worth reducing. The good news is, there are a few choices we can make in our suite of doggo basics that do make an environmental difference.
Under your wing: How you can help wild birds survive the winter
Season's Tweetings! Birds fly into your life providing majestic beauty and songs to brighten your day. During the winter months, birds need extra help finding food, shelter, and help when they are hurt. The Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC) works tirelessly through the winter- and the rest of the year- to take birds under their wing. The OVWBCC team knows that one small act of kindness can help save a bird's life. Patty McLaughlin, Education and Public Engagement Coordinator at OVWBCC, and her team are working hard to raise awareness about the help birds need throughout the winter and I was fortunate enough to get expert tips about how to support the wild bird community this holiday season. I had many questions for Patty. How can you help wild birds survive the harsh winter weather? What do birds need in the winter to help them find food, shelter, and medical care? What can I do at home?
crisis: The history of Earth Day and how the leaders of today have
let us down
Every year communities across the planet celebrate Earth
Day, but not everyone knows the history of this environmental day of awareness.
Almost 48 years ago on April 22, 1970, millions of people hit the streets to
protest the negative impacts on the environment of 150 years of industrial
development. Smog had become so bad that in some areas it was deadly and there
was evidence that smog pollution was detrimental to human health. Smog
pollution was shown to cause developmental delays in children. Pesticides and
pollutants were negatively impacting the environment and biodiversity were in
decline. It was the beginning of the climate crisis that we are still dealing
with to this day.
five R’s of plastic pollution: Why Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
isn’t enough, and tips for living plastic free
Most of us grew up being taught the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. When
it came to going green and protecting the environment, the 3 R’s was where it
all began. Fast forward to 2018 and the progression of pollution and human-caused climate change is far more devastating than we could have predicted. We
are in a climate crisis, and 3 R’s just isn’t enough.
Microplastic and why it's a huge problem
Plastic pollution is a big problem, but the biggest problem
when it comes to plastic pollution is the smallest plastic of all- microplastic.
Microplastic may seem like a tiny issue that is easy to ignore, because they can
be impossible to see unless under a microscope, but the truth is microplastic
effects us in so many ways. Microplastic is a detriment to both the environment, climate change and our health and wellness.
plastic pollution: Earth Day focus on people and their plastic
This year’s Earth Day theme encourages us to take a closer
look at our use of consumer plastics and one-time use plastic like straws, bags
and water bottles, and how it affects the planet. Every year, Earth
Day Network launches campaigns to inspire people to take part in Acts
of Green, to help heal the planet and educate about pollution. The goal for
2018 is to have people commit to End Plastic Pollution.
your food a hug: Food Huggers help reduce waste and keep food
I’m always looking for ways to reduce my waste. One thing I
absolutely hate is plastic wrap and plastic baggies. Cling wrap is not
recyclable and doesn’t keep food fresh. Since I go through a lot of produce it
was important that I find an eco-friendly alternative to cling wrap and bags
that was not one-time use, and would keep my fruit and vegetables their freshest.
Let's get real: 24 Hours of Reality coming soon!
we will solve the climate crisis. We will be the voice of reality. Tune in to
@ClimateReality’s #24HoursofReality on December 4–5:
Climate Facts: Sharing science and hope
Natural shifts in the Earth's orbit can cause natural climate change, but the rate in which the climate is changing and the rapid warming effect is impacted by our actions.
I'm really inspired by Years of Living Dangerously and their hashtag #ClimateFacts to raise awareness about climate change. Paws For Reaction #ClimateFacts raise awareness about climate science, and also share solutions and renewable achievements. I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions about climate change or the Climate Reality Corps: email
Climate Facts: Sharing science and hope
I'm really inspired by Years of Living Dangerously and their hashtag #ClimateFacts to raise awareness about climate change. Years has challenged themselves to release one climate fact per day. I've decided to join in and create my very own Paws For Reaction #ClimateFacts to raise awareness about climate science, and also to share solutions and renewable achievements. Sharing solutions keeps me hopeful. While I wont be sharing one fact per day, I'm going to try my best to share one a week. I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions about climate change or the Climate Reality Corps: email
How to shop eco-friendly, waste reducing and sustainable
takes a big step forward with terra20
Like a rising tide, Canadian citizens are becoming more concerned
with conserving and protecting the environment. Floods of people around the
world are marching in climate protests, acting as local water protectors and
demanding change from world leaders. Our carbon footprint is too big and our protected
lands are too small. But one trail blazing local company is leading the way to
a more sustainable future.