Wishing Hazel a happy 8th birthday!
Hazel is sweet as the biggest piece of birthday cake! I was in Orlando, Florida attending the VMX 2023 Veterinary Conference and spent a week away from Hazel. It really makes you appreciate your pets more when you are separated from them. I missed her so much. I returned to Canada just in time to celebrate the most asymmetrical Saint Bernese's 8th birthday!
Hazel has defied all the odds and made it past age five. She is happy and healthy, and despite her injury and frequent health problems, she remains in fantastic shape. She is a genuine underdog. Hazel has taught me a valuable lesson: Folks may underestimate me, but as long as I never give up and keep a positive attitude, I'll beat the odds and surprise them all! It's one of the many lessons she has taught me in the past eight years that I've been blessed to call her MY dog.
Paws for a cause: We stand with the people and pets of Ukraine- and so can you!
Watching the tragedy in Ukraine unfold has been gutwrenching, and it is impossible to ignore. The people of Ukraine are suffering from an unjust attack. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has launched an illegal assault on the people of Ukraine, and his war has gone on far too long. It's day 70 of the war in Ukraine. People- and their pets- are suffering daily and many Canadians desperately want to help. I'm feeling hopeful today because I can share an inspiring initiative with all of my animal-loving readers that will help Ukraine's pets in need and support the veterinarians who are working hard to keep those pets safe and healthy.
Seven years a senior: Happy 7th birthday to Hazel the Saint Bernese
There's nothing I love more than seeing joy spark across Hazel's overly expressive face. Today, Hazel's birthday is one of her most joyful days of the year, and therefore, one of her most expressive. This year I'm isolating, so we couldn't go on one of our birthday adventures. I still spoiled her with many gifts, which is her favourite part anyway. This year she has earned the title of being my 'old lady dog' like Keira did before her.
She was a once in a lifetime dog: Remembering Keira on Pet Memorial Day
They say grief doesn't shrink, we just grow to accommodate it. I still haven't grown enough to make space for the immense grief I feel after losing my sweet Keira. I never expected to own a pet who would leave paw prints on so many hearts. Keira had a spirit that lingered; it lingers still. All the feelings are still raw and close to the surface, not enough layers of life and time to bury the pain. But as we approach a year since I lost my best friend, I've noticed like most things in my life, I'm slowly learning how to manage the emptiness. The hollow. I've found a few ways to fill it, even if only temporarily.
Love is a four-legged word: Four ways you can show your pets the love they deserve
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Love is a four-legged word! When I discovered February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day my first thought was "I don't need a day to remind me to love Hazel!" I show Hazel love every day! But it made me think about how I show Hazel love. The first thing that came to mind is the unlimited snuggles I give her. Affection is the obvious way we show love, however, there is a better way we show unconditional love for our fur-family.
The pet food industry's dirty secret: Ingredient splitting, "real" meat, all-natural, and a ban on by-products
Do you think the concept of fake news is a recent thing? The retail pet food industry has been serving up its own brand of fake news for more than a decade. Today's pet owners are savvy and have a hunger for knowledge; much of the knowledge they seek is available at their fingertips. The tip of their paws, if you will. But like an all-caps tweet typed by Donald Trump on the toilet at 2:00 AM, most information dished by retail pet food companies will be found false once it's fact-checked. Much of the information is based on human diet trends that are influencing the industry. While conceptual and anecdotal information is pleasing to hear and easy to digest- and science is confusing and questioning- it's important to remember the fundamental rule of retail: you are being marketed to.
Happy 6th birthday to Hazel! Here are some highlights from Hazel's birthday celebration!
Christmas mourning: How to cope with your first holiday season after losing a pet
I'm forcing myself to be festive this year. I've had times in my life when I skipped Christmas altogether. "I'm not Christmasing this year," I'd say when people asked me standard holiday questions like "Do you have your tree up yet?" This year I'm forcing myself to be festive for the sake of my mental health. One small reason is the COVID-19 pandemic has sucked so much happiness out of 2020 that I'm trying to infuse some of the obligatory Christmas joy into what's left of the year. The biggest reason for my forced festivities is Keira. More specifically the loss of Keira I suffered earlier this year.
Piqued my curiosity: I had my dog blessed by a Catholic priest
I was walking my dog by a Catholic church in my neighbourhood when a nice lady commented on how beautiful Hazel is. I know I'm a little biased, but I have to agree- she's a looker. We were making small talk about my dog when she mentioned that the church is offering blessings to pets. She encouraged me to bring Hazel back the following weekend to have her blessed.
February 20 is National Love Your Pet Day!
Sending love from us to your fur-family!
Photo: May the Fourth be with you dog
Photo by Chris Pirillo Foter CC BY-NC-ND
#MayTheFourthBeWithYou #StarWars
Photo by jjjj56cp Foter CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 |
Easter lily is
a beautiful gift but is deadly for cats
Easter is a wonderful holiday to celebrate with family- pets
included. Like so many other holidays the celebration can unintentionally
pose a threat to a cat or dog. One common Easter gift is lethal to cats and
symptoms can show up in as little as six hours.
The spring celebration usually involves chocolate that can be a deadly treat for a dog. Something
else to consider is the Easter grass that lines the bottom of most Easter gift
baskets. It can create dangerous intestinal damage if ingested by a dog or cat,
resulting in expensive vet bills.