Guest blog: What do I do if my dog and I encounter wildlife on a hike?
| Guest blog by Adeline Ee. Paws For Reaction is so lucky to have such an amazing writer & animal lover join extended our family!
Summer is at our doorstep and it's officially Wild About Wildlife Month- we all know what that means! It’s time to get outdoors, so put on your swimmers and jump in a lake, or grab those boots and hit the trail! Of course, you want to include your pooch in your summer shenanigans. Hiking with your dog is a great way to exercise and bond with your best friend.
Happy Earth Day: Environmental stories for dog owners, animal lovers, and climate activists
It's the greenest day of the year- Earth Day! This is the second Earth Day, April 22nd, we've celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It saddens me that a year later Ontario is in worse shape. I hope you find a safe way to do something positive for the planet today. Interested in learning more about living sustainably and fighting climate change? Check out the green headlines on Paws For Reaction! These are the best posts about climate change, pollution, wildlife, the outdoors, and environmental action.
Do you have a story to tell? Share your story on Paws For Reaction
This year more than ever, I've been providing an outlet for people in the community to share their stories. I've teamed up with some wonderful and interesting guest bloggers, interviewed experts in their fields, and supported different organizations. I want to keep expanding upon that. That being said, Paws For Reaction is looking for new guest bloggers!
Guest blog: Enviro-docu-series exploring the changing state of Canada's greatest natural landmark; Algonquin Park
| Guest blog by Jacob Ide. Photos provided by the Trip Report team. So excited to welcome them to the Paws For Reaction extended family!
Early in 2020, Craig Myers and I were sitting on the set of a short film discussing our next projects. Craig had recently begun taking a course on sustainability, and I had been kicking around the idea of making a travel series focused on exploring our backyard. Through two days of chatting, we honed in on shooting a series in Algonquin Park. Craig is from Ottawa, and I am from Hamilton, but we both grew up with a connection to camping and cottage country, so the draw to the park was pretty natural. As we prepared the project, Brad and Mitch joined on as our cinematography team, both of them having a love for cinematography and exploring the natural world made it a perfect fit.
Do you have a story to tell? Share your story on Paws For Reaction
This year more than ever, I've been providing an outlet for people in the community to share their stories. I've teamed up with some wonderful and interesting guest bloggers, interviewed experts in their fields, and supported different organizations. I want to keep expanding upon that. That being said, Paws For Reaction is looking for new guest bloggers!
Keira's Provincial Park dog tours: High Falls in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada
Keira and daddy were embarking on a 6km hike- there and back- to High Falls in Algonquin Park, Achary- one of the largest Provincial Parks in Ontario, Canada...
Happy International Women's Day!
Be strong! Be brave! Be the change!
National Walk Your Dog Week: October 1 -7
National Walk Your Dog Week kicked off yesterday and this fun awareness week is a great excuse to get in a few extra walks with your furry family member. Enjoy this week of being active and bonding with your pooch!
Photos: Hiking trip with our Chihuahua friend Yoshi
How to prevent fleas and ticks from biting your pet because #NoBiteIsRight
This post is sponsored by No Bite is RIght and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer NetworkTM. I am being compensated to help create awareness about Summer Safety and Protecting Pets against fleas and ticks but Paws For Reaction only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Paws For Reaction is responsible for the contents and not the sponsors mentioned above.
I remember when Keira got her first tick. It was three years ago. I couldn’t believe I had missed it. It was right on the top of her head! I totally freaked out! It was a fully engorged, disgusting Brown Dog Tick. My veterinarian recommended I wait six weeks, and then bring Keira in for her annual Heartworm and Lyme test. It was an agonizing six weeks. I was relieved when she tested negative for Lyme disease, but I couldn’t believe she even had a tick in the first place. Are there really ticks in the Ottawa Valley? How can I prevent ticks from biting my dogs?
Photos: My mountain dogs enjoying first snow
finally snowed in Ontario!
It is very
exciting. Climate change couldn’t have been more obvious this Christmas here in
Ontario, Canada- a province that is usually draped in a thick blanket of cold, sparkling
snow by now. Instead we had a grassy-green holiday season- until today.
Hopefully this will be a big enough sign for everyone to change and make more
eco-friendly lifestyle and diet choices.
Both of the
girls were really excited for snow but Hazel was he most excited. She hasn’t
seen snow since she was a little, tiny puppy. Now she is a 97 lb almost one
year old. Saint Bernese dogs are in their element in the winter time and I was disappointed
that they weren’t getting to experience it. Finally today it snowed and we took
the girls on a hike through a winter wonderland. Check out our photo story in the
snowy forest.
Warm winter walks: #NorthFetch dog apparel is Canadian and cozy
This post is sponsored by North Fetch, PetSmart Canada and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about North Fetch at PetSmart Canada, but Paws For Reaction only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. North Fetch and PetSmart Canada are not responsible for the content of this article.
There is nothing quite like a Canadian winter. Here in the Ottawa Valley winters are cold but full of adventure. There are so many great places to ski, snowshoe and hike in this region. I love to bundle up and hit the trails with my big mountain dogs to do some winter exploring! Hazel and Keira do very well in cold weather. They are both big, fluffy Saint Bernese dogs that are built for the cold weather. Avalanches? Bring it on! My girls are great in the winter, but it is not very often they get to go hiking with a friend.