New Year, new you: Non-fiction books that inspired me to feel better and be better PLUS Level up with my 2023 resolution reading list!
The past few years have been 'work on me' years. I suffered from depression and chronic pain for a long time. My healing journey included moving cities, taking a years-long break from dating, adjusting my medications, and letting go of people and things in my life that weren't healthy- or allowing them to walk away on their own. Extreme measures, but it's what I needed to heal. I couldn't pour into anything or anyone if I wasn't filling my own cup. But 2022 was different. I began seeing the effects of my work. I made a new life in a new city. I started dating again and was able to set healthy boundaries and stop myself from falling into old patterns- all while maintaining compassion and empathy. I reduced my medications. I learned to invest in people with all my heart, and at the same time, walk away if needed. 2022 was a personal growth year. The next step in healing. Obviously, I struggled at times. I made it through the devastating experiences easier than in the past. For the most part, 2022 was exciting, educational, successful, passionate, and blissful. Accepting. And calming. I found my peace.
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Reading with Pride: I'm unapologetically proud of this LGBTQ+ inclusive children's book list
Let's talk equality! Having LGBTQ+ conversations as adults can be fairly easy. But how do you approach conversations about gender equality with your children? Firstly, if you are asking that question, you're doing something right! Good parenting means teaching about equity, tolerance and love- and leading by example, even if you grew up influenced by biases or have a lack of understanding of the current gender spectrum. It's important that you remember that discussing sexuality is not discussing sex. Additionally, discussing gender identity and same-sex attraction will not change your child's identity. We are born this way! Guess what else won't change your child's identity? READING about gender identity and same-sex attraction!
Fall Reading List: And Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell is a tearful and terrifying tale
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I rarely cry read a book that makes me cry, despite being someone who reads books almost exclusively about murder. I teared up a few times when I was reading And Then She Was Gone. As I read the Epilogue I started bawling, squinting at the last words on the page through watered-down eyes. As difficult as it is to conclusively determine this, I think I can confidently say this is my favourite Lisa Jewell book I've read.
Wonderland whimsy: Talking Flowers are the perfect home decor to create a floral fantasy
Imagine getting lost in a Wonderland of colourful talking flowers? Growing up, there's nothing I wanted more than to fall down the rabbit hole and explore Wonderland with Alice and the White Rabbit. I'm excited to introduce my new magical blog series Chasing Whimsies. This series will feature whimsical handmade, and artisan items created by Etsy makers, who are independent business owners. I've selected the Alice in Wonderland Talking Flowers by SutherlandDollArt as my first Chasing Whimsies featured product. So grab your pocket watch and lift your pinky, because it's time for tea!
Happy Earth Day: Environmental stories for dog owners, animal lovers, and climate activists
It's the greenest day of the year- Earth Day! This is the second Earth Day, April 22nd, we've celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It saddens me that a year later Ontario is in worse shape. I hope you find a safe way to do something positive for the planet today. Interested in learning more about living sustainably and fighting climate change? Check out the green headlines on Paws For Reaction! These are the best posts about climate change, pollution, wildlife, the outdoors, and environmental action.
Earth Day children's book list: Picture books about climate change for the next generation of environmental activists
Books are one of the most reused items in existence. We buy used books, borrow books from friends, and donate old books we've read already. E-books and audiobooks are sustainable and waste-free. Literature is important, but it can also be eco-friendly- especially when the book you are reading is all about caring for the planet. Getting people engaged with environmental action at a young age is the best way to ensure a sustainable future. Why not engage children during storytime?