Invest in our Planet: Embrace the 5 Rs of recycling on Earth Day
We grew up being taught the three Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. That's where it all began. Fast forward to the present day. Pollution and human-caused climate change are far more devastating problems than we could have predicted. We are in a climate crisis, and three Rs aren’t enough.
Happy Earth Day: Environmental stories for dog owners, animal lovers, and climate activists
It's the greenest day of the year- Earth Day! This is the second Earth Day, April 22nd, we've celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It saddens me that a year later Ontario is in worse shape. I hope you find a safe way to do something positive for the planet today. Interested in learning more about living sustainably and fighting climate change? Check out the green headlines on Paws For Reaction! These are the best posts about climate change, pollution, wildlife, the outdoors, and environmental action.
Covid-19 and climate change: Pandemic's positive impacts on pollution were temporary, but damaging effects will be lasting
Climate change took a backseat in the media as the planet's greatest threat when the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe in 2020. It's been more than a year since the first Covid-positive case was reported and we are entering another lockdown in Ontario. Looking back, I remember how optimistic I was the first time we entered a lockdown. Not just optimistic about the health and safety of our nation, but optimistic for the health of the planet. During that lockdown, we saw wildlife emerge from the wilderness and take their rightful place in our urban areas that were one their home. We saw marine life break the surface of the water in places it had not been seen before. The planet took a deep, cleansing breath.
Brown bag goes green: One Tree Planted for every compostable bag of Northern Biscuits to lower your carbon pawprint
Looking for a way to reduce your carbon pawprint that your dog will wag her tail about? Hazel's favourite Canadian dog treat company Northern Biscuit is celebrating Earth Month with a drool-worthy promotion. For every 1.36kg compostable bag of their five top-selling biscuits purchased in April, Northern Biscuits will plant a tree with One Tree Planted, a non-profit global re-forestation organization. The trees planted for this promotion will focus on Canadian regions to help promote cleaner air and support biodiversity. Forests provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, and while this biodiversity doesn't include dogs, our dogs will be happy to explore the forest and snack on Northern Biscuits- all to help the planet.
Cleaning the Capital: Campaign on hold but litter collection doesn't have to be
I was excited to register for the Cleaning the Capital spring campaign and participate in city-wide trash collection during Earth Month. The pandemic delivered me another disappointment when the City of Ottawa announced the Cleaning the Capital Spring campaign would be placed on hold due to the current Ontario COVID-19 lockdown. My intention when I registered was to do trash collection on my own, so I could stay safe and physically distance from others. We are encouraged to only leave the home when it's essential, but I consider picking up litter in my neighborhood to be essential.
Food for thought: What's your carbon foodprint and how can you reduce it?
Here's something for you to chew on. One of the easiest ways to fight climate change is with a diet change. We all have a carbon foodprint. What we put in our mouth leaves a mark on our planet. Deforestation to make space for animal agriculture, energy and water consumption, transporting and storing food, the production process, pesticide use, and waste runoff created by farming, and unsustainable packaging are ways our food can harm the environment. Climate change will threaten our food security, causing an increase in weather-related disasters like floods and droughts. To keep food on our plates we need to take climate change off the menu.
Earth Day children's book list: Picture books about climate change for the next generation of environmental activists
Books are one of the most reused items in existence. We buy used books, borrow books from friends, and donate old books we've read already. E-books and audiobooks are sustainable and waste-free. Literature is important, but it can also be eco-friendly- especially when the book you are reading is all about caring for the planet. Getting people engaged with environmental action at a young age is the best way to ensure a sustainable future. Why not engage children during storytime?
crisis: The history of Earth Day and how the leaders of today have
let us down
Every year communities across the planet celebrate Earth
Day, but not everyone knows the history of this environmental day of awareness.
Almost 48 years ago on April 22, 1970, millions of people hit the streets to
protest the negative impacts on the environment of 150 years of industrial
development. Smog had become so bad that in some areas it was deadly and there
was evidence that smog pollution was detrimental to human health. Smog
pollution was shown to cause developmental delays in children. Pesticides and
pollutants were negatively impacting the environment and biodiversity were in
decline. It was the beginning of the climate crisis that we are still dealing
with to this day.
five R’s of plastic pollution: Why Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
isn’t enough, and tips for living plastic free
Most of us grew up being taught the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. When
it came to going green and protecting the environment, the 3 R’s was where it
all began. Fast forward to 2018 and the progression of pollution and human-caused climate change is far more devastating than we could have predicted. We
are in a climate crisis, and 3 R’s just isn’t enough.
Microplastic and why it's a huge problem
Plastic pollution is a big problem, but the biggest problem
when it comes to plastic pollution is the smallest plastic of all- microplastic.
Microplastic may seem like a tiny issue that is easy to ignore, because they can
be impossible to see unless under a microscope, but the truth is microplastic
effects us in so many ways. Microplastic is a detriment to both the environment, climate change and our health and wellness.
plastic pollution: Earth Day focus on people and their plastic
This year’s Earth Day theme encourages us to take a closer
look at our use of consumer plastics and one-time use plastic like straws, bags
and water bottles, and how it affects the planet. Every year, Earth
Day Network launches campaigns to inspire people to take part in Acts
of Green, to help heal the planet and educate about pollution. The goal for
2018 is to have people commit to End Plastic Pollution.
Photos: March for Science in Ottawa on Earth Day 2017
April 22, 2017- Hundreds of scientists and citizens rallied at Parliament Hill on Earth Day for the March for Science, to show their support for the scientific community. The March for Science is part of a global movement, with over 600 events planned worldwide and 20 of those events taking place in Canada. Evidence for Democracy hosted the Ottawa March for Science. The group held a sign making party on April 12 to prepare.
March for Science in Ottawa on Earth Day 2017
Photo by Stephen Melkisethian |
I will be heading to Parliament Hill on April 22 to join in the March for Science for Earth Day, and I'm really excited to join such a large group of people. This walk is part of a "global celebration of passion for science." Science needs to be protected from funding cuts and political or corporate interference. I will be walking to raise awareness about pollution and climate change. Hope to see you there!
11:00 am Saturday, April 22 at Parliament Hill