Image provided by Kate Parkes at Elevation PicturesBones of Crows: Forced into residential school, Aline Spears is plunged into a fight for survival that shapes her family for generationsOn Friday, June 2nd, 2023, a feature...
Invest in our Planet: Embrace the 5 Rs of recycling on Earth DayWe grew up being taught the three Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. That's where it all began. Fast forward to the...
Happy International Women's Day: Defining what being a woman means to you is a unique and personal journeyWomanhood is such an unpredictable journey. I continue to learn from the women in the past...
The truth about brewers rice: What is brewers rice in dog food?Reading the back of a bag of dog food can be confusing. Some ingredients are easy to identify- meats, fruits, and vegetables. Even some...
In love with love: Today isn't about romance, it's about LOVEI have a public service announcement to make, brought to you by someone who doesn't live her life 'as expected.' I'll keep it...
Ask a vet: How do I improve my dog's dental health and prevent dental disease?It's time to flip that lip, cause it's National Pet Dental Health Month! If I'm being honest, every month...
Frito feet: Why do my dog's paws smell like corn chips? And should I be worried?Frito feet! I know it sounds corny, but if your dog's paws smell like corn chips, then your...
 Wishing Hazel a happy 8th birthday!Hazel is sweet as the biggest piece of birthday cake! I was in Orlando, Florida attending the VMX 2023 Veterinary Conference and spent a week away from Hazel....
New Year, new you: Non-fiction books that inspired me to feel better and be better PLUS Level up with my 2023 resolution reading list!The past few years have been 'work on me' years. I...