Disney dog products for your Princess: Everyone is barking about the new Disney Collection at Chewy
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Enchantment awaits your canine companion! The Disney Collection at Chewy is giving off serious nostalgia vibes, and what is more nostalgic than Disney? I'm a huge fan of Disney and I like to think of Hazel as my honourary Disney Princess. She's lacking in some Disney royalty qualities; she can't sing, she doesn't have a critter companion, and she has yet to find her Prince Charming. She has, however, faced and overcome adversity and learned valuable life lessons along the way- the most important quality in a Disney Princess.
Water is life: Take action to help end drinking water advisories in First Nation communities

We dip our toes in it. We listen to it rain down on our rooftops. We use it to brew our coffee, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Up to 60% of our bodies are made of it. Water is life. It's easy to take for granted because access to safe water is a basic human right. Or is it? The truth a little murkier. 61 indigenous communities in Canada are under water-boil advisories. They don't have clean water for drinking or sanitation, even though Canada is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. Some First Nation communities have lived with water advisories for more than a decade and are forced to boil water or use bottled water. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reassured these communities that he would end the water advisories by March 2021, which would be a great way to celebrate World Water Day. Sadly, we won't be celebrating because the Canadian government says that Covid-19 may delay its target deadline. To those First Nation communities, water is a reason to make waves and take action. It's something they long for. It's a need not being fulfilled. Ask yourself this: What does water mean to you?
Guest blog: Regenerative medicine and 3D printing, the future of veterinary medicine
So, what is 3D printing and how is it the future of veterinary medicine? I get asked this question a lot. I'm a licensed veterinary technician (CVT) and research associate at the Louisiana School of Veterinary Medicine. I work for an orthopedic surgeon that created our laboratory of 3D printing and regenerative medicine. Our lab works with existing departments at the vet school and other main campus departments, specifically the engineering department, and we collaborate locally outside of the school. It's a lot of science, all in the name of saving animals!
Pandemic Paddy's Day: Wishing you a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hazel and I wish you a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day! We urge you all to be mindful of Covid-19 restrictions. I know how much we all want to get out and dance a jig and drink green beer, but we are a community and we need to keep each other safe. This hasn't been a very lucky year, but we are hoping there is a pot of gold at the end of this pandemic rainbow. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Ask a Vet: What you need to know about toxin ingestion, inducing vomiting, and pet insurance coverage for pet poisonings
There is no other moment in a pet owner’s life that is more fear-inducing than when a pet ingests a toxin. It’s hard not to panic when you catch your cat licking a lily or come home to your dog surrounded by ripped-open candy wrappers, looking up at you with a chocolate-stained smile. Heart racing, you run to the phone to call your veterinarian or jump online to search if the item is toxic. We know we have to act fast when a pet is poisoned and veterinary treatment can be expensive. We also need to do things to prevent possible poisoning. But pet owners have other questions. What do I do if my dog or cat ate something toxic? What are common household toxins for pets? Are pet poisonings covered by pet insurance?
How you can help #NOMV: Veterinary community and animal lovers raise awareness after three vet med professionals die by suicide
If you follow animal or veterinary groups on social media or are friends with someone working in veterinary medicine, you may have seen profile pictures change to support #NOMV. This stands for Not One More Vet, and it's trending for the worst reason. In the past two weeks, three veterinarians (Josh Smith) and one veterinary technician died by suicide. I extend my most sincere sympathies to their family, friends, and colleagues. Sadly, it's a story we in the veterinary profession have heard before. According to the most recent data available in the United States, depending on gender, veterinarians are 1.6 to 2.4 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population and veterinary technicians are 2.3 to 5 times more likely. The veterinary profession has the highest rate of deaths by suicide of any profession.
Empowering females of the future: The feminist past and female future of Girl Guides
The name Brownies was officially changed to Embers in 2023. |
GUIDER (noun) /gahyder/ Catalyst of girl empowerment. That's what's written on the new shirt I ordered from the Girl Guides of Canada store and I wear it proudly as I write this. Girl Guides is exactly that for me: How I empower the next generation of female leaders. Is there a more fitting topic for International Women's Day? I began my journey as a Brownie and Girl Guide before becoming Guider (unit leader) to an amazing group of Brownies (known as Embers as of 2023). Being a Guider is a big responsibility. The Guiding movement's past is rooted in feminism. Some people don't like the word feminism, but the definition is the belief that women should have equal rights. I can't imagine anyone being fundamentally against that. Girl Guides is the feminist movement all girls should be involved with. On this special day of celebrating women's equality, I want to share with you why your girls should join Girl Guides.
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: This just in from Ontario Nature, we need to save wetlands in Pickering
Developers are looking to destroy a large Provincially Significant Wetland in Pickering to make room for a warehousing facility. This is unacceptable but if we act fast we may be able to save these wetlands.
Hanging With Hazel: A successful working (from home) dog's job description
You all know me- I'm Hazel. The last time I barked at you I told you all about how happy I am that mum and I work from home to stay safe from the rona. I told you all of the things I like about it, but I forgot to tell you about my job. Now that you know I work from home, let me tell you a little about what I do. I wear many collars here at work. My role here is vital to our success. Some days I feel a little micromanaged by mum, but since I love her I tolerate it. These are some of my job duties. I can't wait for you to learn about how pawesome of a worker I am!