Pet Food Recall: April 2013 UPDATED
Photo by anneh632 CC BY-SA |
April 2013- Research
Pet Expands Voluntary Recall of Dry Pet Foods Due
to Possible Health Risk
Contact: Natura Pet Consumer Relations – 800-224-6123
NEBRASKA, April 19, 2013 –Natura Pet Products is voluntarily
expanding its March 29, 2013 recall of dry pet foods because they have the
potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. The expanded recall now
includes all dry pet food products and treats with expiration dates prior to
and including March 24, 2014. Please see the table below
Photo by h.koppdelaney CC BY-ND |
It is in a dog’s nature to travel. Saint Christopher
is the patron saint of travelers. In artwork created in early Christian times
he was sometimes depicted with a dog’s head. Man’s best friend on the road!
Summer activity guide: what you need to know before swimming with your dog
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With the summer months soon approaching pet parents
are getting excited for some fun in the sun with their canine companions. When
the weather gets hot you may be tempted to take a dip with your dog but before
you take the plunge make sure you know your safety rules- and know your pet.
Swimming and other water play with your dog can be a
bonding experience for you both. It can also keep both you and your dog in
shape and provide relief from the hot summer sun. Whether you go to a swimming
destination or are just swimming in the backyard pool it’s better to be safe than
Photo by linh.ngan CC BY |
Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the principles of
gravity, also invented the cat door. Knock, knock!
Photo by wizzer2801 CC BY-NC-ND |
In Palding, Ohio police officers are permitted by
law to bite a dog to quiet it.
Resilient companion: once facing extinction the Bernese Mountain Dog lives on
Photo by Ju Muncinelli CC BY-NC |
The sweet but powerful Bernese Mountain Dog- also
known as the Berner Sennenhund- is one of four Swiss mountain dogs. But the
Berner stands apart from the other Swiss canines in that it is the only one
with a long, silky and flowing coat. It also almost didn’t make it out of the
19th century alive.
Photo by Sergiu Bacioiu CC BY-NC |
Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds. Dogs can only
make 10. Who’s laughing meow?
Guinea pig fact
Photo by kitkatherine CC BY |
If your guinea pig jumps straight up and down don’t
be alarmed- it is a move called “popcorning.” Guinea pigs only do this move
if they are really excited or happy. So next time you catch your guinea pig “popcorning”
get excited and popcorn with him!
Photo by damselfly58 CC BY-NC-ND |
Have you ever seen your cat walk up to you with its
tail quivering? This is the greatest
expression of love your cat can give you.
Photo by Hanne CC BY-NC-SA |
Robust and regal, Great Danes and Mastiffs are as
tough as they look. In the middle ages these big breeds were sometimes suited
with armour and spiked collars and were brought into battle. Some even suited
up to guard supply caravans!