Resilient companion: once facing extinction the Bernese Mountain Dog lives on
Photo by Ju Muncinelli CC BY-NC |
The sweet but powerful Bernese Mountain Dog- also
known as the Berner Sennenhund- is one of four Swiss mountain dogs. But the
Berner stands apart from the other Swiss canines in that it is the only one
with a long, silky and flowing coat. It also almost didn’t make it out of the
19th century alive.
Photo by Sergiu Bacioiu CC BY-NC |
Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds. Dogs can only
make 10. Who’s laughing meow?
Guinea pig fact
Photo by kitkatherine CC BY |
If your guinea pig jumps straight up and down don’t
be alarmed- it is a move called “popcorning.” Guinea pigs only do this move
if they are really excited or happy. So next time you catch your guinea pig “popcorning”
get excited and popcorn with him!
Photo by damselfly58 CC BY-NC-ND |
Have you ever seen your cat walk up to you with its
tail quivering? This is the greatest
expression of love your cat can give you.
Photo by Hanne CC BY-NC-SA |
Robust and regal, Great Danes and Mastiffs are as
tough as they look. In the middle ages these big breeds were sometimes suited
with armour and spiked collars and were brought into battle. Some even suited
up to guard supply caravans!
These pets think they are the Easter Bunny
Happy Easter to you from Paws For Reaction and these super cute festive pets!
Photo by DaPuglet CC BY-SA
Photo by Abdulmajeed Al.mutawee
almutawee CC BY-NC-SA |
If you don’t think a rabbit is a big commitment
think again- rabbits have an average life span of 10 years.
Photo by danmachold CC BY-NC-SA |
Do you have a mouthy cat? It’s probably all your
fault- the more you talk to your feline friend, the more it will speak to you. Meow!
Celebrate Easter with these adorable bunny rabbits
Have a great Easter weekend from Paws For Reaction!
Photo by Sharon Taylor Photography of Kettering CC BY-NC-ND
Photo by Flóra CC BY |
You’ve heard the phrase “it’s raining cats and
dogs.” This quirky, clichéd remark originated in seventeenth-century England.
During heavy rainstorms stray animals would drown and could be seen floating
down the streets making it look as though it had been “raining cats and dogs.”
#CatFact #DogFact
Phosphorescent feline Photo by xalamay CC BY-NC-ND |
Glowing and gross! Cat urine glows in the dark when
a black light shines on it. If you think your cat has had an accident inside
the home, turn on that black light and find the spot!
Photo by CC BY |
It’s a canine commandment! Dogs are mentioned 14
times in the Bible. Praise the woof!
Easter-inspired treats: are eggs good snacks for pets?
Photo by ginnerobot CC BY-SA |
Easter is in season and painted eggs are all the rage.
Don’t be fooled, eggs are more than just the pretty and decorative symbols of this spring holiday. Eggs are full of protein and nutrients that are great for people. But
are eggs good for pets?
Dogs get cheeky: these adorable toys have junk in the trunk!
No need to call animal control- this is a bum that
your dog can sink its teeth into without worrying about the consequences.
Romp! Silly
Bums are adorable stuffed teasers and are great for dogs of all sizes.
These toys will even entertain dog owners. Go ahead and say it. “My dog has
some junk in the trunk!”
Pet of the month: little Lola enjoys her playtime with her best friend
Little Lola was a stray cat who wandered into the
middle of the road one night and was rescued by a young girl who then gave that
cat to her cousin. Lola now lives in her forever home with her best friend- a
Jack Russell Terrier named Oliver. Lola loves to jump over Oliver and play with
his toys. She loves sitting by the window and waiting for her family to come
home from work. Lola is very quiet, and timid, and has never quite found her voice.
When she meows it is very quiet and soft. Her fur is a fair buff colour and very soft. She spends most of her time sitting
on the stairs waiting for pets from her people. But don’t be fooled- she loves
to bug her best friend when no one is looking and often gets caught jumping
right over him.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your pets!
Check out these festive pets and have a green day!

Photo by rainy city CC BY-ND
Featured dog treat for March is puppy approved
Photo by halfrain CC BY-SA |
You just brought your puppy home and have to choose
a treat for the first time. The pet store can be a confusing place with way too
many endless options. Puppy owners must be more careful when selecting
something new to introduce to their dog's tummy.
When choosing a treat for a puppy it is important to
select a healthy option. A puppy’s stomach can be sensitive and Wellness® Just for Puppy Mini Soft Treats have natural ingredients that are palatable and
highly digestible.