Guest blog: Regenerative medicine and 3D printing, the future of veterinary medicine
So, what is 3D printing and how is it the future of veterinary medicine? I get asked this question a lot. I'm a licensed veterinary technician (CVT) and research associate at the Louisiana School of Veterinary Medicine. I work for an orthopedic surgeon that created our laboratory of 3D printing and regenerative medicine. Our lab works with existing departments at the vet school and other main campus departments, specifically the engineering department, and we collaborate locally outside of the school. It's a lot of science, all in the name of saving animals!
Dealing with a doggy disability: X-rays show the progression of Hazel's broken femur
Hazel at 9 weeks and 13 weeks
Hazel, my Saint
Bernese puppy, is
four months old now and much has changed for this fluffy little spit-fire of a
mountain dog. When my partner Robert and I brought Hazel home on March 22 we
noticed that she walked with a limp. I brought her to the animal hospital where
I work the next day and received some bad news- Hazel had fractured her femur
bone in her left hind leg at some point early on in her life. It went un-diagnosed and untreated. The first radiograph showed that bone had completely callused over- making the left leg
shorter than the right.
I discussed in my letter from the editor Hazel will walk with a limp, is
guaranteed to have arthritis and hip dysplasia early on in life and may need major surgery. At that time I was still waiting for the surgeon’s assessment.
Later that week I received the news- the surgeon said I should leave the leg for
now but take x-rays monthly to monitor the growth and watch for signs of pain.
If we saw signs of soreness we were to put Hazel on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to help with pain management.