Love is a four-legged word: Four ways you can show your pets the love they deserve
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Love is a four-legged word! When I discovered February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day my first thought was "I don't need a day to remind me to love Hazel!" I show Hazel love every day! But it made me think about how I show Hazel love. The first thing that came to mind is the unlimited snuggles I give her. Affection is the obvious way we show love, however, there is a better way we show unconditional love for our fur-family.
Guest blog by Imani Hamilton. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family! This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. |
Guest blog: Sustainable dog products for the New Year and beyond
Entering the New Year, climate action and environmental protection are more important than ever, as we collectively seek to reduce our carbon emissions by 65% and protect our precious ecosystems in time to prevent irreversible climate change. And yes, our furry companions have an environmental footprint that's worth reducing. The good news is, there are a few choices we can make in our suite of doggo basics that do make an environmental difference.
4 adorably spooky Halloween dog toys
Looking for a Halloween gift to give to your furry family member? Look no further! Target has an adorable and affordable line of Halloween themed dog toys this year by Pet Toy EV Black and Green. These are 4 of the cutest plush squeaker Halloween dog toys from that line!
Halloween Cat Multi Squeaker Dog Toy - Black and Purple
play biting: How to teach a teething puppy not to bite
It is a painful problem that every puppy owner faces:
play biting. Puppy owners are far too familiar with the feeling of an adorable
fuzzy puppy clamping on to their sensitive skin with those tiny, deadly and
razor-sharp puppy teeth. But play biting is a natural thing for a puppy- she is
trying to use her mouth to learn about the world around her. It starts with the
other pups in her litter. They bite when they play fight but when one pup bites
too hard the other pup will yelp loudly and stop playing. From the beginning puppies
are learning the boundaries of biting and it is a lesson that needs to continue
when they leave the litter to join their human family.
Biting too hard is a behavior that needs to be corrected
right from the beginning if the puppy is going to be able to have good
relationships with other people and dogs. Founder of The Academy For Dog Trainers Jean
Donaldson published an article in 2007 for the Calgary Humane Society about aggressive behavior in canines. She educates about acquired bite inhibition (ABI) which “is
the degree of pressure a dog exerts with his jaws when he bites, and likely the
most significant prognostic indicator in aggression.” Puppies must be taught
not to put force behind their bite because according to Donaldson “ABI has
proven virtually impossible to modify in an adult dog.”