Ask a vet: Why is chocolate poisonous to dogs? What do I do if my dog eats chocolate?
Chocolate is almost as sweet as my dog Hazel. That's right, I said almost. But every now and then I get a chocolate craving I can't ignore. I've always been extra careful not to let my dog have even a crumb of cocoa goodness. But why? We know not to give our dogs chocolate, but what is it about the sweet substance that is so dangerous for dogs? I asked Dr. Carlie Paquette, a veterinarian at Pembroke Animal Hospital, to give me the facts about chocolate toxicity and dogs.
Happy National Cream-filled Chocolates Day!
Did you know that February 14th is also National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day? I wonder why? Have a sweet and chocolaty Valentine's Day!
Photo by Sharon Taylor Photography of Kettering CC BY-NC-ND |
The Easter Bunny and more: Fun Easter facts
Find out where the most famous rabbit came from, how Easter is celebrated around the world and so much more! These facts are full of candy, beautiful photos of rabbits, and the holiday spirit. Check out these Easter facts and have a Happy Easter!
Feline the love this February
Photo by Found Animals Foter CC BY-SA