Wishing Hazel a happy 8th birthday!
Hazel is sweet as the biggest piece of birthday cake! I was in Orlando, Florida attending the VMX 2023 Veterinary Conference and spent a week away from Hazel. It really makes you appreciate your pets more when you are separated from them. I missed her so much. I returned to Canada just in time to celebrate the most asymmetrical Saint Bernese's 8th birthday!
Hazel has defied all the odds and made it past age five. She is happy and healthy, and despite her injury and frequent health problems, she remains in fantastic shape. She is a genuine underdog. Hazel has taught me a valuable lesson: Folks may underestimate me, but as long as I never give up and keep a positive attitude, I'll beat the odds and surprise them all! It's one of the many lessons she has taught me in the past eight years that I've been blessed to call her MY dog.
Seven years a senior: Happy 7th birthday to Hazel the Saint Bernese
There's nothing I love more than seeing joy spark across Hazel's overly expressive face. Today, Hazel's birthday is one of her most joyful days of the year, and therefore, one of her most expressive. This year I'm isolating, so we couldn't go on one of our birthday adventures. I still spoiled her with many gifts, which is her favourite part anyway. This year she has earned the title of being my 'old lady dog' like Keira did before her.
Happy 6th birthday to Hazel! Here are some highlights from Hazel's birthday celebration!
Hurricane Hazel blew into town: This puppy yells her own story with sass-mouth
Hurricane Hazel blew into our lives one year ago and
things have never been the same. I remember reading books and articles to
prepare. How to Raise the Perfect Dog:
Through Puppyhood and Beyond by Cesar Millan was a good one. Some things
you just can’t plan for. Regardless Hazel has been such a vibrant and curious
puppy. She is so different if you compare her to Keira. From day one Hazel has had
a real sassy attitude- Little Miss Sass-Mouth. She is big. She is bold. She isn’t
afraid of anything! She is pure comedy.
Photo by kevin dooley Foter CC BY 2.0 |
Cats make such wonderful, long-term companions and
can live well over 20 years. Crème Puff is the oldest domestic cat on record lived three days
past her 38th birthday and still holds the title as oldest cat to
date. She was born on 3 August 1967 and died on 6 August 2005
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