Love is a four-legged word: Cherish love on Valentine's Day, cause you can buy yourself flowers
In love with love: Today isn't about romance, it's about LOVE
I have a public service announcement to make, brought to you by someone who doesn't live her life 'as expected.' I'll keep it brief. Here it is: We have been doing Valentine's Day ALL WRONG. Today is thought to be a day of 'romance.' I think it's time to divorce that concept. Ghost it. Valentine's Day is about LOVE.
I don't know when or why Valentine's Day became more about romance and less about love, but I say we take it back. Romance and love are not mutually exclusive. A wise woman recently sang "I can buy myself flowers." Thank you for the reminder, Miley Cyrus. Because romance is the fairy tale, it's beautiful and deserves to be appreciated. But love is the reality, it's remarkable and divine. It deserves to be cherished.
The longest-lasting love I have is my love for my family. The most unconditional love I feel comes from my dog. Shout out to Hazel. Nose boop. I love my friends. I love nature. I love a hot bubble bath with a good book and a crackling record spinning out some Sam Cooke or Otis Redding. Ya, that's right, self-love (not that kind) is love too.
I mean this in more ways than one: Love is love. So if you have the Valentine's Day blues I encourage you to break up with the blues and commit to the reds. There is so much love out there, and so many ways to love- why limit yourself? You have love in your life. Somebody loves you, so cherish that! Love yourself; buy yourself flowers. And if you still feel like you're lacking love in your life... GET A DOG! xoxo
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hazel and I send our love!
Hazel and I send our love!
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dog mom
love is love
Miley Cyrus
valentines day
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